Automated quote generation for a French company in the construction industry.

Quotes generated
Work hours saved
Leader in state
Most growing company


The Bureau Habtalan design office, specializing in real estate diagnostics, wanted to improve the user experience of its clients on its website. He was looking for a solution that would allow his customers to quickly obtain an accurate quote based on different parameters, such as the type of diagnosis, the surface area of ​​the building and the intervention distance.


Our solution

Bureau Habtalan customers previously had to contact customer service, who had to take the customer's request into account and send them a quote. This caused delays and could dissuade some potential customers.
To meet this need, we developed a tool integrated directly into the company's website, based on Django. This tool allows users to select the diagnostic type, enter mileage and other relevant parameters to instantly receive an accurate quote.
Intuitive interface: Users can easily navigate and choose the options that suit their needs. Real-time calculation: The tool provides an instant quote, based on a constantly updated database. Seamless integration: The tool integrates seamlessly with the design and interface of the existing website.
Django Forms: Forms were essential in the creation of this tool. Thanks to Django's ability to handle complex forms, we were able to create a fluid and intuitive user interface. These forms collect accurate information from customers, ensuring that the generated quote is as accurate as possible.
File manager and messaging: To improve collaboration and communication within teams, OMAE has integrated an advanced file manager as well as messaging. These tools promote a smoother workflow and better coordination between the different project stakeholders.


This project is a success, the Bureau Habtalan is able to convert more prospect into clients by simplifying the quote obtention process as well as saving a lot of precious time for Bureau Habtalan employees.

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