Training scheduling and registration plateform for a french state network of social and healthcare workers.

Training sessions
Workers graduated
Training centers
Companies signed up


The need to train new and experienced healthcare and social workers in France is there but the infrastructure to support the signing up, the visualization and logistics of training is missing.


Our solution

Enable sociomedical facilities to register employees for training courses and provide a calendar-based scheduling system to view and manage training dates and avoid conflicts.
Create user-friendly templates for course browsing, user registration, and scheduling.
Facilitate communication between training providers, facilities, and employers. Coordinate training sessions, locations, and manage attendee lists in real-time.
Implement views and forms for course registration, including waiting list management. Use Django's ORM capabilities to handle scheduling conflicts and facilitate calendar views.
Generate reports on training participation and compliance with relevant regulations. Maintain records of employee training histories and certifications.
Utilize Django's built-in Admin for customizable reporting interfaces. Integrate Django's email backend for automated notifications and communication between parties.


The platform is up and running, the Gems23 team is now working with over 100 training sessions and digitally handling the training logistics for over 25 companies in the state, the training providers and so on. We are very proud to be part of this project and we currently working on building a bunch of very useful new functionalities.